Helping entrepreneurs succeed, one loan at a time


People supported


Lindiwe, Zimbabwe
Lindiwe, Zimbabwe

Because everyone deserves access to a safe and healthy environment, let's come together as a ZEO community to support the individuals, families, and businesses around the globe that are hit hardest by climate change.

The Kiva effect

Every dollar from Zuora goes further thanks to the power of relending.

As borrowers succeed and repay their loans, Kiva re-lends the repayments to new borrowers, multiplying the impact of every dollar.

Our pledge


Zuora has pledged to support financial inclusion.

Our impact


With Zuora's pledge and repayments combined, this is the total amount lent to 16,202 borrowers.

Our pledge


Zuora has pledged to support financial inclusion.

Our impact


With Zuora's pledge and repayments combined, this is the total amount lent to 16,202 borrowers.

About kiva

We are supporting climate-vulnerable communities in partnership with Kiva

Climate change hits unbanked and underserved populations harder, yet these communities are often excluded from accessing financial resources to build resilience and adapt to the changing environment. Kiva has a goal of supporting 1 million climate-vulnerable people by 2028.

Elizabeth’s group, Farmers, Kenya
Elizabeth’s group, Farmers, Kenya

More than 1/3 of the population in climate-vulnerable countries are unbanked.

Because social and financial inequity make the impacts of climate change worse for millions of people worldwide, it’s more important than ever to help people invest in sustainable solutions in their communities.

Kiva is working with partners like us to create opportunities for people affected by climate change.

Female illustration above 704,000 people reached statistic
Peace sign hand illustration over $117 million loans funded data
Diagram showing 58,000 solar projects supported