Kiva Loan Dedication

Aracely Del…

El Salvador
El Salvador

Aracely lives with her family made up of her mother and a child of legal age. All her life, she's liked to cook and with the help of her family, she learned to make pupusas, fried yuca, enchiladas, etc. In this manner, she covers some family expenses and she's been able to get ahead with her family. She will invest in the repair of a car in which she makes some snacks and in remodeling the part of the house where her business is located. In this manner, she will work with more comfort and her customers will receive a better service. Aracely has a dream of buying land or her own house to have a family inheritance.

To: Mom Carter

I chose this loan because... in honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to honor the passion and work ethic that my mother exemplifies and has passed on to me. Aracely looks to share the same amazing qualities!

May 9, 2015
by Stephanie