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Lend to a refugee, rebuild a community

Kiva connects lenders (like you!) with refugees to help them create financial stability in their new communities. Your support gives them access to resources they would otherwise lack, helping them rebuild their lives.

Lend to a refugee on Kiva and the Tripadvisor Foundation will match it (up to $150,000), doubling your impact! Your loans will go towards Kiva's goal of expanding financial opportunities for 75,000 additional refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) by 2026.

How Kiva works

Kiva borrower Catherine icon

Find a person you want to support

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Decide how much you want to contribute

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Check out—your funds are allocated to the borrower

Get repaid, and lend to someone else!

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About Tripadvisor and the Tripadvisor Foundation

Tripadvisor, the world’s largest travel guidance platform, mobilizes their traveler community – in addition to their people, expertise, and resources – to tackle some of society’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Since 2010, the Tripadvisor Foundation has invested more than $46 million in communities around the world. Click here to learn more.

Alba was able to rebuild her business, offering beauty services at clients’ houses
Alba was able to rebuild her business, offering beauty services at clients’ houses

How Kiva loans help refugees

With limited access to bank accounts, credit histories, or even permanent addresses, most banks consider refugees too risky to qualify for financial services. But without access to resources like business loans, it’s hard for refugees to regain their stability. 

Expanding access to financial services provides a sustainable solution that helps displaced people establish credit and pursue new economic opportunities. 

With Kiva, refugees can start businesses, pursue an education, and improve their livelihoods in their host communities — like Alba, who used Kiva to infuse life into her beauty business.

Fund a loan today to help someone rebuild their life

Access to financial resources is key to helping refugees go beyond just getting by and instead have the means to improve their livelihoods. Fund a loan today to help someone rebuild.

Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action Seal

Kiva is dedicated to expanding financial opportunities for 75,000 additional refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) by 2026, as part of our commitment announced at the Clinton Global Initiative.