When you finish repaying your Kiva loan, you will be eligible to apply for another, larger Kiva loan! If there is a Lead in your area, you should reach out to them to learn about any financing institutions that work with Kiva borrowers for larger loans.
Applying for Another Kiva Loan
If you’ve repaid on-time, you’re eligible to apply for another Kiva loan as soon as you complete your current repayments!
Applying for another loan is easy, and at 0% interest, why not?
Repeat borrowers are:
Automatically eligible for 2x their original loan amount, up to $10,000.
Looked at favorably in the Kiva underwriting process
Prioritized by review team
What’s more, your public profile is already made and ready to go.
Fundraising is also easier. You already have the lenders from your first loan to ask for help and your community is familiar with how Kiva works. With that group of people who already know and care about you and your business, your community is bigger than it was at the start of you first loan and your Private and Public Fundraising Periods can fund much faster.
Apply for a second Kiva loan today at www.Kiva.org/borrow.