Today we're excited to launch a new effort aimed at allowing the Kiva community to communicate more effectively with one another. Why I Kiva is a very simple idea: members of the Kiva community post videos explaining why they lend with, borrow through, work for, donate to, or otherwise participate in the Kiva community.
Why I Kiva breaks down the barriers between individuals, allowing a Kiva lender in London to explain to the world what it is that makes Kiva important to her, while a Kiva volunteer in San Francisco can tell the story of what makes him donate his time every week.
We've made a video mashing together answers from a bunch of Kiva staff and volunteers; you can find it below, or on the Why I Kiva YouTube page at youtube.com/kivamicrofunds.
Our sincerest hope is that Why I Kiva catalyzes conversations across the Kiva community, and empowers everyone with a few minutes and a webcam to share what makes Kiva special for them.
A Few Guidelines:
- You need a YouTube account. If you don't have one, head here and they'll set you up.
- We want to see and hear you. Record in a quiet place and with the light on your face (not behind you!)
- Title your video so we can find you! Call it "Why I Kiva: Name - Place". For example, "Why I Kiva: Matt in San Francisco" or "Why I Kiva: Captain Nemo at Sea"
- Copyrights, trademarks, and privacy: please respect them.
> No music you don't have the rights to broadcast (i.e. unless you're Mick Jagger, no Rolling Stones in the background)
> No logos (including Kiva's) that you don't have rights to, and
> Don't record people without their permission.
- Tell your friends! Please share this on your social networks, on your blogs, on your local TV stations, projected on the back of your barn, or however you feel comfortable. No one knows why you Kiva unless you tell them.
- Finally: tell us! Tweet us your video's link @kiva with the hashtag #whyikiva, or email us at whyikiva@kiva.org. We will be tweeting our favorite videos and may choose to feature your video on the Why I Kiva YouTube page!
Go to youtube.com/kivamicrofunds now to see what other Kiva community members have been up to, and we hope to hear from you soon!
Kiva Webinar Series Part 2: What is Kiva Doing Beyond Funding Business Loans? →NEXT ARTICLE
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