Kiva’s newest partner is Finadev-Benin! Finadev-Benin has been providing microcredit services to Beninois people since 2001, making it the oldest private microfinance institution in Benin. They currently operate 6 branch offices, with about 5,600 active borrowers.
Having grown together for nearly 10 years, FINADEV's staff have built strong relationships with their clients. This closeness and mutual trust was evident during the Kiva training process. When Marketing Officer Debora Edou explained Kiva to a group of clients, she eloquently reassured the women that Kiva was a safe, friendly place for them to share their stories and photographs: "Nous n’allons pas exposer nos sœur s à des gens mal-intentionnés. Ça ne vous honore pas, et ne nous honore non plus." In English, "We won’t expose our sisters to people with bad intentions. That would not honor you, and would not honor us either." She also explained that by sharing their information with Kiva, these Beninois women were showing the world that Benin, and Africa, is home to more than bad news. It is a place where "il y a des femmes vaillantes qui se battent et qui travaillent." In English, "where there are courageous women who fight and work."
I encourage you to welcome Finadev Benin by contributing to their first Kiva loans. To learn more about Finadev, visit their Kiva partner page.
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