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Welcome to build.kiva.org!

February 3, 2009

This is build.kiva.org, our brand-spankin'-new destination for developers wanting to build and extend the microlending platform we've created at Kiva. Over the next few months we plan to shape this into a hub for builders, mashers, and other creative types looking to make a difference in the world through loans to the working poor. Here you'll find news, discussion, and documentation around the Kiva API and other tools we provide to developers. You'll also be able to connect with other Kiva Developers, share your ideas, and keep up with activity going on in the developer community. Moreover, this is a place where you can help us shape the Kiva API. You'll find our API roadmap and evolving designs on our Wiki, and we expect these to change in direct response to your participation in the community. This site is yours too – let us know what needs to change and how we can make it a more powerful tool for everyone building Kiva. (If you like what you see so far, help us give thanks to our designer-friend, Omar Lee.) We're excited you're here. See you in the forums and the intertoobes.