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Week in Review: Kivans on what they give up in order to lend more (#kiva25)

September 14, 2012

This week Kiva launched the #Kiva25 Program, asking you to join us in an interactive conversation about poverty and financial choices using the hashtag #kiva25 on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We hope you'll continue to chime in for the remainder of the month, telling us what you're willing to give up, or a purchase you're willing to delay to support borrowers on Kiva.

But we like to practice what we preach!

Below, different members of the Kiva community share what they would give up to lend $25 to borrowers around the world!

I would give up buying a couple of good books next month! I love a new good book, but being able to loan to a farmer in Kenya brings me more satisfaction.

-- Brandon Smith, Kiva Community Engagement Intern

Usually I go to Starbucks for a $5 chai in the morning, but I could learn how to make my own drink at Kiva. This would save me $25 a week and the money could go to my borrowers in Nicaragua.
-- Chelsa Bocci, Marketing and Community Outreach Director

Instead of taking taxis, I take the bus.
-- Marc Dantona, Kiva IT Specialist

Going out to dinner with friends on a Friday night is always a great time! But to be able to lend on Kiva is more important. Instead I treat them to dinner with the food I have in my house.
-- Jane Imai, Kiva Fellow headed to Costa Rica

So what would you give up? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and don't forget the hashtag #kiva25! We'll be sharing some of your ideas to our global audience at the end of the month!

Questions? Comments? Email us at blog@kiva.org.