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Week in Review: Help us win a Webby, celebrate Earth Day, and more!

April 20, 2012

You like us, you really like us!

Ok, it may to too early to start drafting an acceptance speech, but we are excited to share our nomination for a Webby Award in The People's Special Achievement Award for Social Change category! We are honored to be recognized for our website's efforts to, as they put it, "Connect people to issues worldwide, organize movements and help people fundraise." Vote for us here!

On a different note, did you know that recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to watch TV for three hours? Did you know that 84% of all household waste is recyclable? Did you know that this Sunday is Earth Day?

For us, Earth Day is a great time to think about the things that we take for granted. Whether it's clean air or access to financial services, the way that we live our lives affects the Earth and everyone living on it. The amazing thing is how much positive impact small actions can have on the global community. It's easy to forget the wider ripple effect of things like biking to work, shutting down your computer at night, recycling, or buying local products. Today is a day to remind yourself of the power of small everyday actions!

Speaking of life on Earth, the groundbreaking film project One Day on Earth crowdsourced video footage from every country during a single day. The final product, is a visually stunning landscape of life's everyday triumphs, trials, conflicts, and understated moments. The full length film is being screen globally on Sunday. Watch the preview below and find it at a theatre near you.

Interested in some ideas, activities, and various ways to celebrate Earth Day? Check out EarthDay.org and this New York Times article. Share your celebration with us on Twitter, Instagram or email blog@kiva.org.

The Week in Review is designed to share things that we have enjoyed reading or watching, and discuss all things Kiva from the previous week.