VIDEO – Kiva loans to sick ex-sugarcane workers in Nicaragua
December 3, 2012
by Luan Nio | KF18 Nicaragua | KF19 San Diego, USA
It’s November and the sugar cane cutting season has started in Nicaragua.
Even though I am back in my comfortable home in the US, I can’t stop thinking about the men all over Centroamerica who are now working the fields. They know they will develop terrible diseases caused by exhaustion, dehydration and exposure to chemicals. Yet the poverty level and scarce job opportunities in their region leave them with no other choice.
Read about it in a previous post I wrote About Nicaragua beer and rum – brought to you by Kiva clients.
Kiva now facilitates loans to these sick cane workers and the families they have left behind. You can lend to an ex-cane worker in Nicaragua here.
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