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Video: Follow Your $25 to Vietnam, EPISODE 2!
March 29, 2010
Dear Kiva Lender,
A few weeks ago, I created a video introduction to what you might experience if you followed the money you lent on Kiva to Vietnam. This time, meet the local staff and credit officers of the local micro-finance institution who make the magic happen. You’ll hear of a credit officer’s story of the impact that micro-credit has had on her family directly. Hope you enjoy!
By Lory Ishii, KF10, Vietnam
Lory is serving in Hanoi, Vietnam with Kiva Field Partner, Center of Small Enterprise Development Assistance (SEDA) as a member of the Kiva Fellows 10th class. Please join SEDA’s lending team, make a loan to a SEDA entrepreneur or donate to Kiva today!
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