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Video: Follow Your $25 to Vietnam!

March 14, 2010


Dear Lender,

Have you ever wanted to see what happens to your money once you press the “LEND” button on kiva.org? Well, wonder no more as I take you on a visual person-to-person experience into the rural provinces of Hanoi, Vietnam. Every couple of weeks, I will be posting a video blog of what happens to your money from the ground up. Enjoy this first episode as a teaser of what’s to come!

By Lory Ishii, KF10, Vietnam

Lory is serving in Hanoi, Vietnam with Kiva Field Partner, Center of Small Enterprise Development Assistance (SEDA) as a member of the Kiva Fellows 10th class. Please join SEDA’s lending team, make a loan to a SEDA entrepreneur or donate to Kiva today!