Video Blog: Francoise, A Kiva Borrower’s Story
March 2, 2011
Many microloans are loaned as group loans. In a group loan, all of the members vouch for the other members’ ability to repay the loan. This helps ensure that reliable businesspeople receive the loan. Since the group accepts responsibility for any default within the group, it also ensures that the loan is paid back.
Michelle and I traveled to Rwamagana, Rwanda to do some training and to observe a borrowers’ group meeting. Each woman gave an update on their loan and the state of their business. One woman in the group really impressed us with her savvy and her long-term goals. Francoise took us to her shop and gave us the low-down on what she’s been up to. Take a look at the video to see her story:
'Adam Cohn is a Kiva Fellow, working with Vision Finance Company and Urwego Opportunity Bank in Kigali, Rwanda.
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