Some updates from Jonathon:
Kiva Community,
Energy and excitement consume me every time I visit the KivaWalk Lending Team homepage. With currently 184 members, 4,195 loans, and just over $100K loaned ($109,325), our growing impact in the lending community is loud and clear. We started in September of last year (w/most of our dollars/members increasing once the walk started on March 1st). There is great potential in 'walking' for this incredible organization. I want to push, challenge, and invite the greater Kiva community to get involved and stretch their capacity as supporters. We have an opportunity to expand outreach to our communities and networks while helping people to see, feel, and better understand the impact of micro-finance. I am inviting you all to 'walk' with me towards a NEW goal for our KivaWalk Lending Team of $1 Million in loans by the time I splash into the Pacific Ocean at the end of this walk!
Are you in?
Not yet a member of our team!? - JOIN here.
I want to send a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have already joined our team and are supporting us along the way. Kanoa and I feel your strength every step of the way!
Further, I have thought long and hard about how I want to share this adventure more with you all. Frequently I find myself longing for more people to be out doing this. Doing what? Walking across the country?!? Well, not exactly. There are many of you who find yourself out walking, whether for exercise or to walk your dogs, and are equally as passionate about Kiva.
So, my summer solution....a Summer Challenge!
What: Get out and WALK w/ us for KIVA! Throw a www.KIVAWALK.com sign onto your back and walk with added purpose (see picture below for inspiration). Why not? You will be surprised by how many people you may encounter that will find what you're doing to be inspiring. Whether it's a walk around the block, in a race, to the park, on a trail, or for a couple days to a near-by town, you'll still be walking with greater purpose! I get SO excited thinking about all of us out there walking to raise awareness for this incredible organization.
When: Whenever you want! (morning before work, weekend get-a-way, after school, lunch breaks, etc...) This is a great way to turn your friends on to Kiva. Have them join 'our' KivaWalk Lending Team so we can both track and build community around your efforts in getting them involved!
How: Take a piece of large white paper (cardboard and/or plastic) and write, type, or print "www.KIVAWALK.com ...across America". Then, prepare to tell people in your community about Kiva! I got my water-proof plastic sign from a local print shop and after they knew what I was doing they donated it to me for free - Give it a try!
Please email me if you have any questions or to share any pictures & stories from your walk(s) - I would LOVE to post them to my website and my KivaWalk Facebook page!
So, what do you say....are you in??
Walk on!!
Jonathon & Kanoa
We wish Jonathon continued success on his trip and will provide updates to the Kiva community along the way! You can also follow Jonathon's trip on his KivaWalk website and his KivaWalk Facebook page.
**Disclaimer: Please note that the KivaWalk website is operated and monitored by Jonathon Stalls, and is independent of, and not affiliated with, Kiva Microfunds (“Kiva”), including its website (Kiva.org). Kiva and “Kiva Walk” are two separate and non-affiliated entities, and any transactions an individual may decide to make through or for KivaWalk or otherwise for Jonathan’s trek—whether financial or non-financial—would be solely for the benefit of KivaWalk and would not be for the benefit of the Kiva organization.