Update from the Field: Appreciating Volunteers & Poetry from a Newly Arrived Fellow
June 18, 2012
Compiled by David Gorgani | KF17 + KF18 | Guatemala

Suzanne, a volunteer translator based in Istanbul, Turkey – Kimberly Strathearn
This week’s update from the field features the rare mix of the first post from the new class of Fellows and one of the final posts from the finishing class of Fellows. This interesting juxtaposition captures both the intense shock of a new arrival in a very new atmosphere knowing that it will be home for the next four months, as well as the sense of appreciation from a Fellow that has been serving for eight months and is able to reflect on the people that were able to give her (and Kiva) a helping hand throughout this process. It’s official ladies and gentlemen, please welcome KF18 to the field!
Who Are Some of Maya’s Volunteers + What Do They Do?
Kimberly Strathearn | KF16 + KF17 | Turkey
After spending some time searching out volunteers to help with Maya’s translations for Kiva.org, Kimberly sends a shout out to the individuals (and schools) who have responded to her calling.
Nairobi Incurred!
Varick Schwartz | KF 18 | Kenya
Varick, a newly arrived KF18 Fellow (and the first KF18 to post in Stories from the Field!) herein expresses his first impressions of Nairobi through poetry.
Updates from the Past Month:
Introducing joinFITE.org, a New Platform Designed to Empower Women in Entrepreneurship
Past and Present, Last-Minute Contemplation and General Appreciation
Nomadic Lifestyles, Road Trips + Cultural Perspectives
Translation Follies, Contemplating Kindness and Comfort and KF Cribs
David Gorgani is currently serving his second Fellowship in Guatemala, working with FAPE and ASDIR to help them maximize their relationships with Kiva. David’s previous Fellowship was in the Dominican Republic, helping ASPIRE get started as a Kiva Field Partner and helping Esperanza International with borrower verifications.
Week in Review: The fluidity of families →NEXT ARTICLE
Unzipping Kiva Zip: Meet the borrowers →