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The Road to Kiva Borrowers

November 6, 2010

By: Ed

As a Kiva Fellow in Cambodia for the past three months, I have had the opportunity to travel through Cambodia, experiencing the crowds and the charms of the urban areas and the beauty and calmness of the rural villages. Here are some of my favorite pictures of the different roads taken to get to Kiva borrowers.

A moto driver carrying bananas in Phnom Penh

Busy intersection in Phnom Penh

Road to a village outside of Phnom Penh

Cows on dirt roads

Cows on paved roads

A Kiva borrower’s house

A beautiful sunny afternoon in rural Cambodia

Credit officer riding skillfully over soft dirt

A Kiva Fellow bravely crossing over a ditch to get to a rice field

Absolutely amazing rice fields on the side of the road

Edwin Au-Yeung is a Kiva Fellow (KF12) currently based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He is glad to have visited villages in rural Cambodia and seen things he otherwise would not have seen had he just been traveling through Cambodia. Want to volunteer with the Kiva Fellows Program? Learn more here and apply to be a Fellow!

By: Ed