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Ten interviews with Mongolian entrepreneurs

February 23, 2011

By: asb353

A borrower verification is a thorough check of ten random Kiva borrowers of a field partner. It’s used to verify the accuracy of the information published on the borrower profiles on the Kiva website. A borrower verification happens several times throughout the course of a partnership in order to assess a microfinance institution’s performance levels. Read below about the ten borrowers I visited through a borrower verification with XacBank. Click through the picture to read the full loan update for each borrower.

Retailer moves from renting to owning clothing stall

Retailer moves from renting to owning clothing stall

Meat saleswoman pays for her daughter to study in Japan

Meat saleswoman pays for her daughter to study in Japan

Painter buys raw materials for shop

Painter buys raw materials for shop

Shoemaker buys repair tools

Shoemaker buys repair tools

Car repairman builds housing for low-income families

Car repairman builds housing for low-income families

Saleswoman bought a freezer to safely store meat

Saleswoman bought a freezer to safely store meat

Cook supports children's housing

Cook supports children's housing

Retailer finishes university and buys house

Retailer finishes university and buys house

Seamstress moves to a larger space

Seamstress moves to a larger space

Join the Mongolia Lending Team!


Amber Barger is currently serving as a Kiva Fellow in Mongolia. She has lived for the past two years in rural Mongolia as a community economic development Peace Corps Volunteer. Along with her Kiva Fellowship, she is extending a third year with the Peace Corps as a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader.

Car repairman builds housing for low-income families http://www.kiva.org/updates/loan/367202

By: asb353