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Sharing Risotto with my MFI…

October 26, 2010

By: vanickd

What is the best way to get a whole office of micro-credit employees together on short notice?

Today I found the answer: pumpkin risotto.

As I am nearing the end of my Kiva fellowship in Armenia, I got together with my MFI staff at SEF International for a goodbye lunch. Armenia is known for its great barbecues, so I decided to cook up something new…and vegetarian.

The risotto turned out great, but the really amazing part for me was getting to know my co-workers in a totally new way. I’ve been working with the staff at SEF for three months now, but I usually meet with people individually, and always to discuss Kiva-related matters. Today I got to see everyone together as a community. We took our minds off work and joked around with each other. It was pretty neat!

Kiva is all about connecting people from all around the world, and we did just that with every bite. So today I raise my risotto-laden fork to Kiva. Whether you are a Kiva lender, borrower, or fellow, I wish you many more years of connection and community around the world!

Here are some pictures of the lunch, in case you’re interested:

Lunch at SEF...

A Photo, Between Bites of Risotto...

Joking With My Boss At SEF!

That Pot is Heavy!

By: vanickd