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San Frantastic, time to get real

February 1, 2010

By: Anna

The best part about leaving a place is that it generally means you will be arriving somewhere new. You’re sad. You’re excited. You’re a whole bunch of simultaneous emotions. I want to write this, my first Kiva Fellow’s Blog, while these emotions are still fresh;

while the bitter sweet sound of karaoke is still ringing in my ears;

while the last shot of the night is still processing;

and while the memory of 30 smiling fellows is firmly imprinted in my mind.

First let me tell you why I am excited

1) I am about to embark on a three month fellowship for an organisation called Kiva. They’re excited about the concept of microfinance. We all know that excitement is contagious. If you want to get excited too then skip to The Kiva website.

2) I will be working with a microfinance institute named Community Economic Ventures (CEVI) based in Bohol, Philippines. Meeting them will be an honour. Skip to The Field Partner to hear more about CEVI

3) I am part of the Kiva Fellows Class 10 (KF10) a group of superb individuals from places such as Copenhagen, Ottawa, New York, Portland, Ohio, Spain and of course New Zealand. They are all doing what I’m doing in places such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kenya, Liberia and Rwanda. These people are amazing so get to know them through the blog. Your support really helps! Skip to the Fellows Program to find out more about our roles.

4) I feel ready. After a week of intense training in all things Kiva I feel like the scene is set. I’ve come to terms with the many criticisms of microfinance and Kiva yet I still BELIEVE. Belief is important

5) Finally, and this is the big one – I’m excited about meeting the borrowers in the Philippines and seeing the lives that the Kiva community are supporting. After all that’s what it’s all about right!? If you want to meet one of my recent borrowers check out The Borrower Profile

I don’t want to dwell on the sad stuff but let’s be honest – saying goodbye to the most amazing bunch of passionate, educated, and driven individuals was tough.

BUT.. As we know all good things must come to an end. Just know that each ending marks the beginning of something else equally fantastic. SO.. Onwards, upwards and some may say westwards to the Philippines. What a start. What a life. What a world we live in.

To KF10.. Just because us Kiwi’s enjoy making the odd terrible joke once in a while… Just remember while you’re out there “You may loan, but you’re never alone” :-) Keep in touch, take care, good luck.

To the staff at Kiva.. You guys are our rocks. Thank you so much for imparting your knowledge and passion.

To the public and Kiva community.. Get EXCITED, get ENTHUSIASTIC – because we sure are!!

Anna Cleal, KF10, Philippines

By: Anna