Early one morning last September, a 15ft wall of water devastated the islands of Samoa killing 187 people and causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage. Nearly 6 months later, the people of Samoa still need your help in rebuilding their economy and their lives.
Samoa’s 2nd smallest island, Manono is perhaps the last place in the world you would want to be during a Tsunami. The island’s 900 residents live directly on the coast in wall-less homes that provide little protection from an angry sea.
The people rely almost exclusively on fishing for food and money. The tsunami swept away their boats and fishing nets and destroyed the reef that protects their fish. Nearly 6 months after the tragedy, the island still cannot afford to rebuild its only school or replace its fishing equipment.
You can help! With loans from Kiva lenders around the world, nearly 50 women on Manono have already borrowed money to buy boats, fishing nets or plant vegetables.
Click here to Sponsor a loan today and help a woman to reestablish her livelihood!
Nate Walsh is a Kiva Fellow based in Apia Samoa. He is currently volunteering with the South Pacific Business Development Foundation.