Kiva works with over 193 Field Partners in 68 different countries. As Kiva Fellows, we have the privilege of working directly with these partners in their offices. You can bet that the definition of "office" ranges pretty wildly across the globe, from cubicle hell to patios with mountain views. We wanted to open the door (no pun intended) to our offices and work lives to show you what they are like--the good, the bad, and the "that's interesting".
Why not make a loan right now through one of these fantastic partners?

WSDS's Motbung branch office is not only the office to 4 amazing field officers who reach dozens of Kiva borrowers, but it's also a great hangout for the neighborhood cows. Stasi, WSDS, India

Solar Sister's colorful office at The Hub in Kamwokya, Kampala. Katie, Uganda

Credit Officers Mary & Rose aren't often in the KADET field office in Tala, Kenya. They are usually out in field meeting with clients, which is their favorite part of the job. Jada, Kenya

Director Maria Jose and Kiva Coordinator Natalia Rivas working to bring Kiva loans to you in their office at Londres y Paris, Santiago, Chile. Esther, Chile

SMT branch office in Koidu, Kono district in Sierra Leone's Eastern Province. Taline, Sierra Leone

Komak Credit Union branch in Fuzuli, Azerbaijan, with Kiva Coordinator Afitab and Loan Officer Servan. Dimitri, Azerbaijan

The AqroInvest team in Baku, Azerbaijan, celebrating Kiva Fellow Dimitri's last day.

Center Managers at SPBD Samoa preparing to head to the field to collect repayments, wearing colorful shirts! Meagan, Samoa

Kiva Fellow Mario soaking in the sun and scenic view from Vision Finance Company, Rwanda

"When the 'office' goes to the field... roaming Fellow, Davinia, shows a borrower his profile for the first time." - Davinia, MLO Humo, Tajikistan

"Team-building staff hike for Friendship Bridge on Volcan Acatenango. In microfinance, 'ain't no mountain high enough,' to keep us from getting to Kiva borrowers. Jeffrey, Friendship Bridge, Guatemala"

When Kiva Fellows hit the road, the work doesn't stop, not even for a sunset in Zanzibar.