Nora grew up in Germany and studied business as an undergrad while working for a global cosmetics company. During this time, she spent time in Budapest, Hungary and the American Northeast, cementing her reputation as a professional nomad and avid traveler. Interested in better understanding people’s decision-making, she returned to university in Germany where she earned an MA in economics with a minor in psychology. After an exchange semester in California, she took off to South America for two months. Observing the street vendors in Peru was the first time she understood first-hand how 'microeconomics' really worked. For the next two years she worked as a consultant with the Boston Consulting Group both in Europe and the US and is currently pursuing her MBA at Yale University with a focus on international development and organizational behavior. Her passion for new cultures and off-the-beaten-track travels has taken her most recently to Mexico, Myanmar and Indonesia. Constantly on the lookout for efficient market solutions, she is enthusiastic about the concept of microfinance and proud to be part of the mission to scale the borrower-lender network for Kiva Zip.