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New on Kiva: Too Many Team Message Emails? Now You Can Receive Just One a Day

April 14, 2009

One of the problems we often hear about from Kiva lenders who are members of Lending Teams is that they get too many team message emails. They want to be connected to their teams and be informed when teammates post messages, but sometimes the number of emails they receive just gets downright overwhelming!

So, we're introducing a new email daily digest mode for team messages. Lenders can go to the Email Preferences section of their account (note: you'll need to log in to get there) and ask Kiva to send them team messages "No more than once a day" or "Never" or "As they arrive."

Here's a picture of the new selection option:

We hope you can use this new option to make your inboxes a little cleaner as we welcome in Spring :)