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New Field Partner: NUBL extends opportunity to Nepal's poorest with group lending

June 2, 2012

Join us in welcoming our newest Field Partner, Nirdhan Utthan Bank Ltd. (NUBL)!

In Nepal, NUBL works hard to extend sustainable financial and social services to the poor. Recognizing that access to financial services remains incredibly limited for the 44% of the population that lives in the country's mountainous region, Kiva will help NUBL expand its services to this vulnerable population. To supply funding to the borrowers who need it most, NUBL has staked out the following strategy:

1) Adopt a proven service delivery mechanism to reach the maximum number of poor households that have the potential for financial viability.

2) Develop a well-managed institution with ethical staff and practices.

3) Enhance women’s “self respect” through social awareness, savings services, and a regular, well-designed repayment schedule.

NUBL enables individuals without collateral to borrow on the basis of group solidarity. It also offers skills development training and provides micro-insurance and remittance services that help women like Sita.

Sita has five children, and when her mother in law died, her family was held responsible for her debt. Sita struggled to make ends meet with her store because she didn't have enough money to buy supplies and take care of her family.

That changed when NUBL gave her the chance to join a group, and provided her with financial training and support to expand her store and pay off her debt with the profits. Sita and her husband are now able to send their children to private school.

To help entrepreneurs like Sita, lend to one of NUBL's borrowers, or visit the organization's partner page on Kiva to learn more.

Send any questions or comments you have about NUBL or Kiva's involvement to blog@kiva.org.

Photo courtesy of NUBL and Keso