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New Field Partner: Maharishi Education for Invincibility Trust takes a mindful and holistic approach to education

July 5, 2012

We are excited to welcome Maharishi Education for Invincibility Trust (MEIT) as our newest Field Partner in South Africa.

The higher education landscape in South Africa is particularly challenging, as outlined in our recent Kiva Innovations blog post. Budget constraints have reduced spots at public universities to the point where admission is extremely competitive. At the same time, the majority of high school graduates lack the credentials or tuition to attend university, but without those marketable skills many jobs are out of reach. As a result, 70% of young people are unemployed.

To counteract this trend, MEIT extends educational opportunities to poor and historically excluded students by pairing computer and distance learning services with a small onsite teaching facility to provide customized higher education. By offering students financing, educational access, skills training, personal development tools and a supportive campus environment.

Students also have the opportunity to work part-time during their studies at MEIT's sister company, Invincible Outsourcing enabling them to earn money to pay for living and school expenses while acquiring skills that will help them find employment after graduation.

MEIT takes a mindful, holistic approach to higher education by fosters skills in three critical areas of sustainability:

Personal sustainability
- Strong remediation in mathematics, English and computer skills
- Stress reduction, holistic brain development, inner healing and personal growth using transcendental medication.

Economic sustainability
- Allowing students to “learn and earn” by developing 20 workplace skills and studying while providing basic financial support
- Learning experience at MEIT’s data capture facility and call center.

Environmental sustainability
- Understanding of the importance of the environment.
- Understanding climate change and what to do about it.
- Learning to become more in-tune with nature and the environment, and especially to do business in a way that respects and supports life.

Kiva lender's zero-interest capital will give MEIT the flexibility it needs to support students and grow its programs at the same time. Together, Kiva and MEIT will help more students attend school, better support them while they’re there, and strengthen their employment prospects.

Have questions about MEIT? Kiva's work in South Africa? We're happy to help at contactus@kiva.org.