By Sloane Berrent, KF8, Philippines
As a Kiva Fellow, drinking the Kiva kool-aid and eating, living, breathing Kiva day-in and day-out, my browser is full of tabs following Kiva online. I wanted to share those ways to connect with you. So you too, can friend, follow, subscribe and join away!
- Kiva Fellows – a great place to read all about the stories, experiences and reflections of the approximately 40 Kiva Fellows that are currently in the field.
- Kiva Blog – To read about happenings from Kiva HQ including new country launches, partnerships and resources for ways to get more involved with Kiva.
Phew! Is there anything I’m missing? Is there anywhere you’d like to see Kiva online that isn’t listed here? Thanks and happy connecting, see you around the Internet!
Sloane Berrent, KF8, is currently serving her placement with Ahon sa Hirap (ASHI) in the Philippines. She is learning to love, or at least not visible cringe from, love ballads from the ‘90s, the de rigueur music choice in every taxi, tricycle, jeepney, café and restaurant experienced thus far. When better “connected” you can find her promoting Kiva on Twitter and writing about social action campaigns on her blog, The Causemopolitan.