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Meeting Kiva Borrowers in Kitengela, Kenya (3.5 minute video)
June 21, 2010
By Steve Grey, KF11, Kenya
'In this 3.5 minute video, see what it’s like to spend the day with a loan officer from one of Kiva’s lending partners. Hanifa Seme (Credit Officer with Small and Micro Enterprise Programme in Kenya) and Steve Grey (Kiva Fellow) walk “The Pipeline”, a densely populated urban area in Kitengela just outside Nairobi, Kenya. They meet with 9 potential Kiva borrowers to get the information for their Kiva website profiles.
Make a Small Loan, Make a Big Difference! Lend as little as $25 to change a life. at: http://www.kiva.org
Steve Grey is a Kiva Fellow working with Kisumu Medical & Education Trust (K-MET) in Kisumu, Kenya and Small and Micro Enterprise Programme (SMEP) in Nairobi, Kenya.
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