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Live Love Lend - Party in Boston!

October 7, 2009

Come join Boston's first awareness event for Kiva on October 15, 5-9pm at Jose McIntyre's upstairs (160 Milk Street). This event is open to all Kiva lenders and anyone who is interested in learning more. We plan to get together, learn about Kiva, and have fun with the entertainment of Boston's hot DJ Mandiezel!

No donations or cover will be collected at the event - it's really all about having a good time and lending to Kiva with the support of our community if you're so inclined! Please forward to all family and friends in the Boston area, the more the merrier!

And, if you can't go to the event, but still want to help out, you can join the Lending Team called "Live. Love. Lend." All you have to do is go to the "community" tab, enter "Live. Love. Lend." in the search tab, join the team and start lending!

We hope to see you in Boston next week!