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Kiva Zip Director Jonny Price to present at SXSW

February 27, 2013

Made famous by its music festival, Austin’s annual South by Southwest (SXSW) calls itself the “premier destination for discovery.”

So it makes sense why it's become a major event in the technology world too. This year, SXSW Interactive is focused on promoting emerging technologies and digital creativity, and its agenda reads like a who's who list of startup execs, video game designers, investors, and other changemakers.

That's why we're thrilled to announce that this year our very own Jonny Price -- Kiva Zip Program Director -- will be presenting!

Joined by Jase Wilson, CEO of Neighbor.ly, Jonny will speak about the power and significance of crowdfunding and the role it will play in the future.

Here at Kiva, we see countless opportunities for people to “make a difference with your dollar” on the internet -- whether it be supporting small business owners on Kiva and Kiva Zip, community betterment projects on Neighbor.ly, art projects on Kickstarter, or cancer treatments on Indiegogo.

Kiva Zip is all about reaching new types of borrowers with innovative lending strategies, and Jonny is the perfect person to talk about what this means in the real world economy.

For those of you heading to Austin in March for SXSW, be sure to check out Jonny’s presentation “Crowdfunding: A Catalyst for Local Economic Growth” on Monday, March 11 from 5-6 p.m.

Have questions about Kiva at SXSW? Send them our way at blog@kiva.org.