Check out our previous post about Afghanistan here
In a country where the average annual income of an individual is $1,490 (about $4/day) USD, one could only imagine the need for loans that an individual from Afghanistan would need to become a successful entrepreneur.
Ariana Financial Services, Joint Stock Company (AFS), began as a partner of Mercy Corps in May 2003 with help from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. While their early operations focused on District 7 in Kabul, they quickly began to spread throughout the country to help others in need of assistance. Since then, AFS has disbursed almost 55,000 loans totaling $18 million (as of May 2010). Following their vision to be a sustainable nationally recognized financial service institution whose activities are targeted towards reducing poverty in this war stricken country, AFS has been able to offer group and individual loans to both male and female clients throughout Kabul's 18 Districts as well as branching out into the Nengarhar and Mazar-e-Sharif provinces.
A woman by the name of Rohina Mohammad Husin requested a loan to repair her house so that she could live more comfortably. Rohina, her husband, and their four children live in the 15th district of Kabul. She requested a loan of 40,000 AFN, close to $886 USD--an amount to some that may seem so little, yet made such a great impact on this family of six.
As of April 2010, Rohina was able to get her loan completely funded by 16 Kiva lenders all over the world! They came from as far as Leverkusen, Germany and as close as Joshua Tree, CA. Rohina has been repaying her loan on time, with an expected full repayment by June 2011.

Flying Kites. August, 2005. Kabul, Afghanistan
Photo Credit: Jawid Habib
Photo Source: PROSPECT Journal UCSD
Qayis, the son of Payinda Mohammad, lives in District 1 of Kabul. As the oldest member of his family, he is responsible for bringing in a substantial income to cover all the necessities and pay for the family’s expenses. As the owner of a car parts shop, he is in need of increasing business by buying some more tools. Confident that a loan could increase his business, Qayis has requested a loan of 50,000 AFN, $1108 USD, to buy more tools. Luckily, 42 of Kiva's Lenders came together to fund Qayis' loan! Over the next 13 months, Qayis will be repaying his loan through AFS.

Agony Illuminated by Hope. July, 2009. Herat, Afghanistan
Photo Credit: Jawid Habib
Photo Source: PROSPECT Journal UCSD
Rohina and Qayis are just two of the amazing stories of individuals from Afghanistan who are succeeding with microloans. Check out Kiva’s Lend tab for the stories of more entrepreneurs in need of funding and become part of their success!

Masjid-e-Jammeh (The Friday Mosque). June, 2005. Herat, Afghanistan
Photo Credit: Jawid Habib
Photo Source: PROSPECT Journal UCSD