A big thank you is due to all the Kiva fans who have made videos about our organization for Project for Awesome. The Project for Awesome campaign is an annual online event which was first launched by famous video-blogger brothers Hank and John Green in 2007. Every year in December, Project for Awesome participants create and upload homemade YouTube videos about their favorite cause or charity. The Project for Awesome website then streams the videos and raises money (through donations and auctions) that goes to the most popular causes and charities nominated by project participants. This year the project has raised over $70,000!
We’ve been really excited to see so many great videos posted about Kiva and wanted to share some of our very favorites on our blog. One of the videos featured below was created by Paige Finch, a fifteen year old from Knoxville, Tennessee. We got in touch with her and asked what it was that made her excited about the work that Kiva does and she told us the following,
"I think what's really great about the work [Kiva does] is the whole "teach a man to fish" aspect of it. Rather than giving a family meals for a short period of time, for example, people who give loans on Kiva are helping people continue to make their own money, which can lead to long-term sustenance for them and their families. I think it is very smart that people can give loans as opposed to permanent donations. I think the fact that their money will not simply disappear from their sight is an aspect of Kiva that probably encourages many people to give."
We’re always so grateful for people like Paige who get behind Kiva’s mission and help to raise awareness about our organization. Here’s Paige’s video along with two more of our favorites:
Thanks to all the creative people who are helping spread the word about Kiva through Project for Awesome! Click here to check out more videos.
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