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Kiva event in Vancouver, BC (3/15)

March 12, 2008

March 15
* 1:30 PM, Empire Landmark Hotel, "Bridging The Gap" conference
* 7:30 PM, Shenanigans, Meet-Up with lenders and volunteers

This Saturday, I'm going to be talking about Kiva at the "Bridging The Gap" conference in Vancouver sponsored by the local chapter of Engineers Without Borders. This is my first public speaking appearance on behalf of Kiva, and to be honest, I'm a little nervous about it. Not so much about running out of things to say (as my friends can attest, I can go on and on and on about Kiva...), but rather, keeping the whole room full of people engaged and interested. That's where I'm looking for your help. One of the goals of the conference is to demonstrate how individual action can affect global poverty. Who better to talk about individual action than Kiva lenders themselves? I already know of some folks in the crowd that I can call on; we'll see how many other voices we can bring to the conversation. :)

Even if you're not able to make it by during the day, I'd still love to get a chance to meet up in the evening with as many members of the Kiva community as possible. Lenders, editors, translators, KivaFriends -- all are welcome. I'm still working on the exact time & place, but expect somewhere downtown, casual, and last as much of the evening as I can manage.

Looking forward to meeting everybody,

[Update: Based on recommendations, we're going to meet up at a place down the street from the hotel called Shenanigans. We'll get there around 7:30 or so and stay for at least an hour or two, if not longer.]