Many of our Kiva borrowers are entrepreneurs who need Kiva microloans to pursue their passions, whether it’s to expand their current business or create a new one. Here at Kiva, we love supporting our past borrowers who have successfully established their businesses thanks to Kiva loans. Read on to learn about all of the ways lenders can continue supporting our borrowers even after they’ve repaid their loans!
James from Pennsylvania has always been an artist, but was never sure if it would provide him enough financial stability as a career. After a Kiva loan, James was able to buy tools, equipment and space to increase the production of Naked Geometry’s functional designs. His fascinating art is built from woodcut pieces, then fashioned into geometric shapes for jewelry, coasters, ornaments and more. Fun fact: James was once able to demonstrate his laser-cutting skills in front of President Barack Obama.

When Nina knew it was time for an expansion of her studio, the Californian designer turned to Kiva lenders for a microloan. Now, Nina sells her beautiful themed and city-centered designs on totes, paper goods, tea towels and other home and kitchen goods. Find your city mapped out and colorfully designed on one of Nina’s many products!

Kathryn’s borrower story certainly proves how effective a Kiva loan can be! The California native creates laser cut designs using wood, plastic and other materials. With her Kiva loan, the Splendid Colors owner was able to move her business into its own studio, hire a part-time assistant and set up an inventory system for materials and finished goods. Kathryn’s current business goal is to support disability rights by hiring qualified disabled employees!

When Kristopher and his artist friends were contemplating how difficult it was to balance “real” jobs with their true passion for art, the idea of a collective came up. A Kiva helped UUU Art Collective really get off the ground and renovate its new art gallery to provide a cultural resource in the heart of Rochester, New York. Find nearly any type of art on the collective’s website, from Arabian prints to abstract paintings to intricate designs from natural materials!
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