My name is Milena Arciszewski and I will be serving as a Kiva Fellow for a full year in Bosnia, Kenya and possibly Tanzania and Cambodia. My first placement is in Zene za Zene in Sarajevo, which targets women affected by the genocide of the 1990s.
I have to say… I am so excited to be doing this! For two years, I have worked in a cubicle coated with pictures of giraffes and elephants, daydreaming of escaping the office to pursue a career in international development. The Kiva Fellowship feels like my golden ticket.
Training has been awesome. We eat curry pizza. Shoes are optional in the office. I am learning so so much. It is the first training session I have attended where “projectile vomiting” seems to be a part of the job description.
Hopefully by mid-October I will be blogging about the amazing ladies In Sarajevo! I will try to capture the small details.. the smell of the soup cooking in their kitchens; the dynamic between the family dog and cat. More soon!