Lounge 217
217 Broadway
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 394-6336
When: Thursday, July 13, 9:00pm (that's right - tomorrow!)
Following the tremendous success of our San Francisco, we are hosting an awareness party in Los Angeles. Come along and meet some Kiva.org crew, learn more about Kiva.org or just get an early start on the weekend!
Entry is free for Kiva.org lenders (we'll have your name at the door if you've previously made a loan), and $10 minimum donation for non-lenders (Kiva.org does not "skim" from loan funds, so all donations go to Kiva.org's operating costs).
"But I don't go out on Thursdays."
Make an exception; it'll be worth it. Support Kiva.org and have a great time with great people at a great venue (with easy parking!).
For more information contact Sundeep Ahuja (sundeep@kiva.org / 415.596.0122)
Kiva.org announces the addition of Reid Hoffman to the Board of Directors →NEXT ARTICLE
L.A. Party Success - Thank You! →