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June 1, 2008

Kiva Fellows from around the world work with Kiva partners to post new businesses to Kiva, post journals, and make Kiva processes as efficient as possible. Along the way, they meet many of the entrepreneurs that Kiva lenders provide funding to and witness the impact of microfinance first-hand.

This week on the Kiva Fellows blog, Kiva Fellows Isadora Tang and Dylan Higgins reflect on the impact of microfinance. Isadora is currently working as a Kiva Fellow with CREDIT, one of Kiva's longest partnerships in Cambodia (and a World Relief partner), while Dylan recently completed his fellowship with the Sinapi Aba Trust in Ghana. Both posts are quite inspiring and worth a read.

Isadora's blog on impact, titled, Is Impact Impact?", can be found here.
Dylan's post is titled "Final Thoughts" and can be found here.