How Dominican Republic Loans Help Haitians
March 23, 2009Many people have expressed desire to see more Haiti loans. In response, I would like to explain what is currently taking place. Presently all Haiti loans must go through the Esperanza office in the Dominican Republic. This is because the Esperanza Haiti office (located in Cape Haitian) is not yet a recognized MFI. Kiva and Esperanza are working to finalize this and train staff on Kiva protocol. Not being a recognized MFI has limited our ability to post Haiti loans. BUT, I can say that starting in April (and beyond) we will begin to regularly post Haiti Esperanza loans. Instead of rushing this process, we (Esperanza and Kiva) are making sure that when the launch of the Cape Haitian MFI happens they are independent and sustainable. So we thank you for your excitement to see Haitian loans!
On that note: what many lenders don’t know is that…
Until there is a recognized MFI in Haiti, Kiva lenders need look no further than the Dominican Republic to support Haitians! The majority of Esperanza’s clients are in fact Haitian or of Haitian decent. The civil unrest in Haiti has resulted in millions of Haitians migrating to the Dominican Republic for an opportunity at a better life. So, if you have some Kiva credit that you have been holding out for a “Haiti” loan look no further than a Dominican Republic Esperanza loan!

Typical micro finance bank meeting.

Esperanza loan officer David Mercedes

We had a visitor during a bank meeting. This lizard caught a cockroach during our bank meeting.

Home in the country side of the Dominican Republic
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