This morning, we hosted the first of a series of webinars about how Kiva is evolving to give more loans to more borrowers, and more choices to more lenders [embedded recording below]. One of the ways we're doing this is by partnering with new types of Field Partners that provide socially-beneficial loan products, work with vulnerable populations, or supply larger, longer-term loans.
In just the last four months, we've launched partnerships with Strathmore University in Kenya to provide long-term tuition and education loans, with Mobile Transactions Zambia to help more people move money cheaply, and -- most recently -- with PT Ruma to expand rural access to mobile technology.
At the same time, we've made it possible to find loans based on our Social Performance badges -- just click "Advanced Options" on the Lend tab -- making it easier than ever before to find loans that also support community initiatives, clean energy use, anti-poverty programs and more.
We're thrilled to be moving in this direction, and want you to know all about our plans! Our webinars are designed to educate, inspire, and give you the opportunity to engage with our staff and ask questions. Today's webinar delves into our evolving approach to partnerships and how you can take advantage of it to loan to the borrowers and causes you connect to most.
Our next webinar, scheduled for Thursday, May 3, will take a closer look at how Kiva is selecting Field Partners and posting loan products that help and give a voice to the world's poorest, most vulnerable and disenfranchised borrowers. Stay tuned.
April 25 Webinar: Kiva's Evolving Approach to Partnerships
Featuring Social Performance Director JD Bergeron, and Community Marketing Manager Ali Price.
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This World Give Day, change a life with a loan →