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Green Loan Videos: Hear Stories of Entrepreneurs using Green Loans!

April 22, 2011

Today, Kiva launched Green Loans! In conjunction with this launch, we have created three videos to profile some of the amazing ways Green Loans are being used to help change the world! Here are video of three amazing stories that describe the uses of these impactful loans. The first is a borrower in Mongolia who is using the loan to insulate his home and keep heating costs down, the second is an interview with a Program Manager at XacBank, a Kiva Field Partner in Mongolia, describing their loan product and the Bank's intentions behind starting Green Loans, and lastly, is a video from a borrower in Bolivia who used his Green Loan to convert his taxi cab from gasoline to natural gas. Hear these stories and help us celebrate Earth Day with the launch of Green Loans on Kiva!

This interview with a Kiva borrower in Mongolia, Byambajav Tsendee, is a discussion about the loan he took to insulate his house. Mongolia is home to some of the coldest weather in the world, and heating costs for gers (the tent-like structure most people live in) can be high without good insulation. Increasing insulation can drastically decrease fuel consumption for heating during winter months.

This is an interview on Green Loans in Mongolia from the Program Manager of XacBank,Tumendemberel Naidandorj, who is responsible for Eco-Loan programs. XacBank is a Field Partner of Kiva and provides Green Loans to their borrowers.

This interview, with Kiva Borrower, Emilio Carnacho Caballero, describes his Green Loan. He is a borrower in Bolivia who used his loan to convert his taxi cab from gasoline to natural gas.