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Follow Up: Kiva Lenders Host Matt Flannery in Paris

December 15, 2010

According to a Kiva Translation Volunteer living in Paris the snow partially paralyzed the city last Wednesday, but many people attended the event. Amongst whom were:

Matt Flannery, who was in Paris to participate in a panel discussion about how technology catalyzes social change (featuring distinguished guests like Professor Muhammad Yunus).
Charles-Edouard Vincent, a local social entrepreneur.
Kiva Fellows Alumni.
Kiva volunteer translators, Chloé and Marie.
Kiva lenders and many other people who were eager to learn more about Kiva and Micro-finance in general.

For more information, you can visit the following links :

The link to the content of Matt's speech at the party ( Article in French) :

Below is a video of the Digital4Change conference broadcast from Thursday:

Visit Kiva en français's Facebook page to find out more about the Kiva en Français website and see of the party and of the Digital 4 Change conference (Page in French) :

Photo Credits: Jacques Macaire of Humanbe.