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Filming for Kiva, Philippines take SIX

November 14, 2013

Please note: the following blog post was scheduled prior to Typhoon Haiyan. For the latest updates on our borrowers, Field Partners, field staff and Kiva Fellows in the region, please see our blog post here.
The next few days were filled with us going to several borrowers around the greater Manila area filming their interviews and their various businesses. Each individual had a unique story to tell and each business never failed to surprise us.
Fruit and Vegetable Vendor
First up was Francisca, a fruit and vegetable vendor on the side of the road, with her home in the back. When we arrived, it was an inteviewer's nightmare because there was construction going on, dogs barking, chickens cockacockledooing, and vehicles constantly rushing by. My first thought was, "There's no way we can film a clean interview here...". As always, a solution presented itself and we were able to go to the outdoor church across the street to do her interview. She was a very nice lady who had come a long way, growing her fruit and vegetable stand over the years with her Kiva loan.
Got some fans :) Photo credit: Yungkit