Entrepreneur in Thanh Hoa Doubles Income, Creates Jobs with a Microloan for a Tofu Machine
October 31, 2016
This is Mrs. Giang! Mrs. Giang has two children, a boy and a girl, who she has raised on her own since her husband passed away. She has been managing a successful tofu making and selling business in Thanh Hoa for eight years. Mrs. Giang recently applied for and received a Kiva loan to purchase an additional, newer, tofu making machine. Her old machine would constantly break and even when it did work, it was very slow.
Since she received her Kiva loan, she has seen her output double. She used to only be able to make 30 kg worth of soy bean products every day, whereas now she is able to make 60 kg worth of soy bean products. Mrs. Giang said her income has doubled since she received her Kiva loan as well. The loan also enabled her to hire two more employees, which is double the number of employees she had before the loan. She plans to eventually purchase another tofu making machine and also hire an additional employee. She is optimistic about the future and would like to bring many more jobs to her town through her business!
Here are some photos of Mrs. Giang's business in action:
Raw soy beans before they have been boiled and processed
Tofu machine
Mrs. Giang shaping the tofu into blocks
Mrs. Giang chopping the tofu into small blocks
Mrs. Giang also makes soy milk and even let me have a taste! So good!
One of Mrs. Giang's employees loading the bike up with tofu to take to the market
Off to the market to sell some tofu!
As you can see, Mrs. Giang is extremely hard working and quite skilled in making tofu! I have no doubt her business will grow even further, which will serve to benefit both her children and her town!
To help more women like Mrs. Giang, please support Thanh Hoa MFI microloans! Thanh Hoa MFI has been our field partner in Vietnam for almost 8 years. They have a wonderful relationship with the borrowers and just about every borrower I met through Thanh Hoa MFI told me they would change nothing about the loans from and the loan process of Thanh Hoa MFI. To learn more about Thanh Hoa MFI, click here.
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