CCT Borrowers Often Work in the Sidelines
November 7, 2009
By Prem Thomas, KF9, Manila, Philippines
After visiting many Kiva CCT borrowers, I noticed a trend that the primary business requiring a loan is not the only source of income. In the Philippines side jobs are referred to as “sidelines” or “extra income”. I have met a teachers who also sell clothing, farmers who rent out their plows to neighbors and a TV repair shop that sells ice in plastic bags during hot months. Of the CCT borrowers I’ve met, about half will have some sort of sideline.
Myrna Valencia used her entire Kiva loan to purchase inventory for her Personal Care direct selling business which she sells for a 25% markup. Myrna also has one of the more interesting sidelines I have scene. She recently completed a medical reflexology course and takes blood pressure for her neighbors on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for 10 pesos (about $0.22 USD):
Looks like things are still okay after a month in Manila.
Myrna also provides massages to her community for 150 to 200 pesos ($3.20 – $4.26 USD) an hour to provide extra income for her family.
Prem Thomas is serving as a Kiva Fellow working with the new field partner Center for Community Transformation Credit Cooperative (CCT) in Manila, Philippines.
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