Kiva has been chosen as one of four finalists in the Sam’s Club “Giving Made Simple” campaign for a chance to win a $1 million dollar grant.Only Sam's Club members can vote in this campaign, but we still need the help of all non-Sam's Club members in the Kiva community.
Calling all non-Sam's Club Members to help Kiva!
Only 21 days left!
Only 21 days left!
1. Spread the Word: Do you know a Sam’s Club Member? Send them this link to vote for Kiva. Share the link on Facebook, Twitter, and your other online networks. Also, remember to follow Kiva on Facebook and @Kiva on Twitter for the latest updates on the campaign.
2. Tweet on Double Points Days: If Kiva receives the highest number of contest-related tweets or re-tweets on Friday, April 16th and/or Friday, April 30th, all Sam's Club member votes casted for Kiva that day will be doubled!
To learn more about how Kiva would use the $1 million grant, please check out our campaign announcement blog post.
Thank you for helping Kiva with this exciting opportunity. We can't do this without you!
Let's win this together,
The Kiva Team
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