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April was the THIRD record breaking month on Kiva in a row!

May 1, 2009

It's official - April was the third record breaking month on Kiva in a row!

From 1 - 30 April, Kiva Lenders loaned $4,487,875 to entrepreneurs around the world.

That's $149,596 every day.
Or $103.89 EVERY MINUTE.
That's the most loaned on Kiva in one month ever.

Now that would be exciting enough in itself, but consider that this is the third month in a row that we've had the "biggest month ever."

February topped $3.8m (beating December 08 by only $1,425), March blew February away with $4,282,625, and here we are in April past $4.4m.

What does this tell us? That people care. That people want to support others in their businesses and that people believe in the ability of the poor to pay back a loan.

You might wonder what the reaction at Kiva HQ in San Francisco has been. Going into 2009 we did wonder if we would continue to experience the continued growth that we did in 2008.

What we see, however, is that the Kiva community has been unstoppable. At the start of every month hundreds of loans flood the site for funding (over 950 right now) and by the end of each month every single loans has been fully funded. We think that this person-to-person stimulus happening on Kiva.org is giving us all stories of hope that we need.

What are we doing about it? We are working hard to keep up with you!! We're currently working with more than 30 microfinance organizations to get them approved for the website, and we're hoping t0 add at least 5 new countries this year!! In short, we're working hard, and we're hiring - so check out our job postings!

Congratulations Kiva community.

Let's see how many lives we can change in May.