HomeKiva News • Article

Angel Asenov stars on Current TV!

January 13, 2007

Current TV is now airing a short pod about Kiva.org starring Angel Asenov, one of the first entrepreneurs to receive a loan through Kiva.org.
The pod features footage of Angel in his bicycle repair shop in Sliven, Bulgaria as he shows us the business he started from scratch with a Kiva Loan. Greg Kelly, representative of REDC, also makes a guest appearance translating Angel's description of the business.

This pod is only available for viewing on Current TV, so check the next viewing time in your area and invite your friends over to meet Angel.

Thanks to Jon Rawlinson and Michael Jacobs at Current TV, and Greg Kelly of REDC for all their work in getting this story on Current TV. And most of all thanks to Angel for letting us share in his success and take a peek into his life. We're rooting for you Angel!