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After you give thanks, take back Black Friday with Kiva!

November 16, 2012

We can't wait for Thanksgiving next week. And not just because of the food. No matter where you live, the end of the year tends to be a time of reflection and gratitude -- and we have so much to be thankful for!

But there's another holiday here in the U.S. than millions of people are also planning to celebrate... Black Friday.

Every friday after Thanksgiving, millions of Americans storm malls and stores to get a jump on their holiday shopping lists and nab deals. But what if you could buy gifts that truly keep on giving from the comfort of your own home? Discover Kiva Cards:

When you give someone a Kiva Card, you give them the opportunity to help other people achieve their dreams. Available in intervals of $25, Kiva Cards enable your recipients to make loans of their own to borrowers of their choice. And when these borrowers repay, they get the money back to support even more people again and again.

Why do Kiva loans make such great gifts? Consider the facts:

1) 2.5 billion people in the world do not have access to basic financial resources like checking accounts or credit cards. Kiva loans bring these people vital financial resources.

2) Borrowers use loans to become self-sustaining and even hire additional workers, creating jobs and wealth in their local communities.

3) Small loans empower women to control their own financial futures and establish gender equality in their homes.

4) Families that receive loans are more likely to send their children to school, kicking off a virtuous cycle of change.

By giving a Kiva Card, you’re helping to make all this happen, and giving someone you care about the chance to do the same. The ripple effect of even the smallest loans is astounding. We can’t wait to see what the loans you give this holiday season will make possible.

Go to kiva.org/gifts today to give a Kiva Card and help us spread the word on Twitter and Facebook!