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A Year in the U.S.

July 1, 2010

I’m not one for remembering dates; I’ll even admit that I confuse my mom and dad’s birthdays. So when June 10th was approaching, there weren’t any plans going on to celebrate the one-year anniversary for ACCION USA’s partnership with Kiva.org.

Without further adieu, a blog post to commemorate the partnership!

On June 10, 2009 the first U.S. loan appeared on the Kiva website, Elizabeth Polanco. I did my best to be the first person to lend to a U.S. entrepreneur; Maria Shriver beat me to it though!

The weeks that followed ensued passionate conversation about the need for microfinance in the United States, compared to traditional Kiva partners in developing nations. A lending team on Kiva was created to support us, check out the Happy Kiva Lenders . There were also some interesting conversations going on in the blogosphere that have helped fuel more support and awareness for microfinance globally.

Since June 10, 2009, ACCION USA has raised almost $500,000 dollars to support 95 borrowers through Kiva.org. Each of these borrowers has had a chance to share their story of entrepreneurship with the lending community on Kiva. Their Kiva profiles help generate a narrative about the successes and challenges for entrepreneurs in the United States and the need for access to small business loans.

U.S. microfinance has only reached the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. It is through partners like Kiva that ACCION USA is inspired and become innovative to reach those in need. With our missions aligned, ACCION USA and Kiva will continue to grow and inspire interest in microfinance.

And now for the Thank You’s!

Dear Kiva lenders, we have been overwhelmed by your generosity and conviction to the mission of microfinance. Thank you for many of your warm hearted comments on our journal updates- they mean a lot to both our staff and borrowers. We hope that you choose to continue supporting ACCION USA through Kiva.org.

To our borrowers, a sincere thank you for participating in the Kiva program—your stories are the reason that we come to work everyday!

Please take a look at ACCION USA’s current loans fundraising on Kiva and comment on this blog by letting us know if you choose to support US Microfinance, and why…

This post was written by Erica Dorn. She served as a Kiva Fellow and now coordinates the Kiva program at ACCION USA.