At the fellows training some of my companeros seemed shocked that I’d want to do a fellowship in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I have to admit, I admire the cost of a Terere in Paraguay compared to price of latte in NYC. Regardless, it’s been an incredible experience to participate with Kiva on the US launch.
In many ways the fellowship, the entreprenuers, even New York City itself has at times seemed enormously comparable to a fellowship in a developing country (I mean have you used the subways here!!!???). But about the cause…
Why US microfinance….
By launching in the United States, Kiva is creating a local lending place for global thinkers. By supporting US microfinance and organizations like ACCION USA, you are supporting community.
Kiva lenders want to support individuals around the globe that work hard to support themselves and their families. These entrepreneurs also dream of creating legacies. Kiva is helping to provide equal access to capital for business owners that, regardless of the country they live in, have struggled to obtain the credit elsewhere.
I believe that by supporting a US business on Kiva, we truly understand the goal of microfinance- and we are balancing the scales to open up opportunities for everyone.
Trinidad wanted to start a daycare, a bank turned her away, a loan shark almost lured her… instead a pool of individuals on Kiva helped to make her dream reality.
Sustainability is one of Kiva’s principles. Who can argue that sustainability isn’t needed in the US?
Kiva lenders are supporting sustainable businesses, building communities and helping to create legacies- 25 dollars at a time.
Erica Dorn is currently serving at ACCION USA. erica.dorn@fellows.kiva.org