By Gavin Sword, KF9 Rwanda
I am really enjoying working with my MicroFinance Institution today – I think it’s worth reporting this because there have been some low moments leading up to this point. But today, I am really experiencing that the people at Vision Finance Company (VFC) are all here doing the best they can with the resources of the organization. Management is highly capable with far reaching ambitions for VFC in Rwanda. They are committed to Vision Finance Company’s mission to help the poorer people in the country that need and deserve access to credit to make a better living in this land. Did I mention that most of us are working today and it’s a Saturday afternoon!?

So, anyway, here at VFC, we are working well as a team and things are getting done! ALSO – this month (October) we will post the most loans on Kiva EVER in our short history, thanks to the hard work of some of the people you see in the photos below that help to make it all happen! (For our MFI that means we are edging in on $US75,000 in loans to deserving micro-entrepreneurs this month. At around $1,000 per loan that’s 75+ loans!) Thanks to all the great Kiva Lenders for making this possible from a funding standpoint!
Everyday, I am learning about more about my colleagues, how hard they work, their optimism, their inner strength and tremendous sense of community. For many, getting to work is no small matter in terms of time, cost and comfort. In addition, many take extra classes in the evenings to improve their skills, or rise well before dawn to run or exercise. Not to mention the fact that all are hugely devoted to their families and are deeply committed to living a spiritual life with daily devotionals and weekend church events.
I gain more respect for the people I work with and the people of this land each day I spend here. My time is not without frustrations (far from it) sometimes i wonder why i am here at all. But not today. Today is a good day. I believe in the people i work with and their mission and I believe in their desire to make things better in their country and that is worth a great deal. It is the reason I am here.
Gavin Sword KF9 Signing off from Kigali.